Urban Areas describes Southwestern cities—focusing on the large metropolitan areas of Albuquerque, Denver, Las Vegas, Los Angeles, Phoenix, and Salt Lake City—and shows how these regions will contribute to and be affected by climate changes, such as through their “urban metabolisms”—the flows of water, energy, materials, and other resources—and how to minimize the negative effects.
Pincetl, S., G. Franco, N. B. Grimm, T. S. Hogue, S. Hughes, E. Pardyjak, A. M. Kinoshita, and P. Jantz. 2013. “Urban Areas.” In Assessment of Climate Change in the Southwest United States: A Report Prepared for the National Climate Assessment, edited by G. Garfin, A. Jardine, R. Merideth, M. Black, and S. LeRoy, 267–296. A report by the Southwest Climate Alliance. Washington, DC: Island Press.
Stephanie Pincetl (Institute of the Environment and Sustainability, University of California, Los Angeles)
Guido Franco (California State Energy Commission)
Nancy B. Grimm (Arizona State University)
Terri S. Hogue (Civil and Environmental Engineering, UCLA)
Sara Hughes (National Center for Atmospheric Research)
Eric Pardyjak (University of Utah, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Environmental Fluid Dynamics Laboratory)
Alicia M. Kinoshita (Civil and Environmental Engineering, UCLA)
Patrick Jantz (Woods Hole Research Center)