Climate Choices for a Sustainable Southwest assesses the challenges of implementing mitigation and adaptation plans in the region within the context and complexities of state and local governance; highlights examples of current climate-change mitigation and adaptation initiatives and successes; and characterizes the practical opportunities, or co-benefits, of mitigation and adaptation.
Liverman, D., S. C. Moser, P. S. Weiland, L. Dilling, M. T. Boykoff, H. E. Brown, E. S. Gordon, C. Greene, E. Holthaus, D. A. Niemeier, S. Pincetl, W. J. Steenburgh, and V. C. Tidwell. 2013. “Climate Choices for a Sustainable Southwest.” In Assessment of Climate Change in the Southwest United States: A Report Prepared for the National Climate Assessment, edited by G. Garfin, A. Jardine, R. Merideth, M. Black, and S. LeRoy, 405–435. A report by the Southwest Climate Alliance. Washington, DC: Island Press.
Diana Liverman (University of Arizona)
Susanne C. Moser (Susanne Moser Research and Consulting, Stanford University)
Paul S. Weiland (Nossaman Inc.)
Lisa Dilling (University of Colorado)
Maxwell T. Boykoff (University of Colorado)
Heidi Brown (University of Arizona)
Eric S. Gordon (University of Colorado)
Christina Greene (University of Arizona)
Eric Holthaus (University of Arizona)
Deb A. Niemeier (University of California, Davis)
Stephanie Pincetl (University of California, Los Angeles)
W. James Steenburgh (University of Utah)
Vincent C. Tidwell (Sandia National Laboratories)